About work areas


A work area is a dedicated workspace in a vault where you can make revisions to related documents. A vault may have many work areas active at one time and each may have a different workflow. Work areas are useful when you want to make changes to documents without the changes being visible to other users. The original versions of documents assigned to a work area remain unchanged in the Main area for others to view without being able to change them; the documents are locked against change while they are assigned to the work area. When revisions to documents in the work area are complete, they are released back to the Main area to become the latest approved revisions.

It is very important to understand that when you are working in a work area, all Meridian Enterprise commands run only within the context of that work area. Documents in the Main area and other work areas are ignored. For example, Navigation views will only display documents assigned to the current work area, searches will only find documents within the current work area, reports can only be built using documents in the current work area, and so on. To work with documents in other contexts, you must first open that context.

Related tasks

Creating a work area

Opening a work area

Assigning a document to a work area

Releasing a document from a work area

Routing a work area

Viewing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow

Editing a work area workflow state

Editing a work area workflow transition